Current Events - Check out this section for new and exciting events, and information about what is on the horizon at SVCH. Upcoming events, venues and maps will be posted here. Follow the past events with postings of photographs and comments.

Clinical Cases and Images - Check out the CXR, CT scans and labs and listen to the case presentation in less than 2-3 min. There are two groups: Interesting cases and Typical cases. Interesting is good but we all need to learn to manage the most common conditions first.

EKGs with Dr. Koch - It's Not Only Educational it's Also Fun! This is a part of our new project to present clinical cases in full color and sound. Look at the EKG, then listen to the resident giving a brief history, and finally, Dr. Koch will guide you through the EKG recording.

RSS feeds - the easy way to stay up-to-date. Be on top of the medical news by letting your browser check your favorite websites for updates and collect only the information you want. This is the news aggregation that everyone is talking about - XML, RSS, Atom. This website also offers RSS feeds.

Google Scholar journals and books. Something like Medline on steroids - it really feels like you "stand on the is a new tool that enables you to find answers to your questions in medical shoulders of giants".

Curriculum for the Outpatient Medical Clinic. We suggest one 10-20 min teaching session before, during or after the clinic at the discretion of the attending. The topics for the sessions are hyperlinked to articles focused on outpatient medicine from the American Family Physician and other resources.

Admission Notes for the Most Common Conditions. Simplify you life. Print these sample notes and there you have all the questions to ask, the common physical findings, even the assessment and plan. Just tailor the admission note to your patient.